Bala’s entry into the design world follows an unconventional route. He does not arrive with the normal pedigree that one expects of designers breaking on to the scene - an education in a reputable design institution, an apprenticeship at a famous design studio, or on a sponsorship from an established gallery. He built his work solely relying on his ability to translate his ideas into realizable forms and on his extensive knowledge on various materials and manufacturing processes.

Being contemplative by nature, he tends to think about many aspects of life: the validity of established social structures and norms, the relevance of current value systems, and the underlying premises on which these are constructed. As he states, “this introspective process, most frequently, is the departure point for my work. The resulting questions, uncertainties, and realizations manifest themselves in forms that I, then, translate into objects. Each of the pieces embodies an implication. Then, I choose the materials and processes that would bring out the best representation. This is what signifies my work.” 

Born in India, Bala spent most his childhood there and obtained his Bachelors in Science and Masters in Business before emigrating to Canada in 1985. After completing further studies (MBA and MPA) at York University in Toronto and working in teaching and management consulting, he moved into the manufacturing businesses for the next 18 years. During that period he owned and managed companies in plastics, wood, and coatings. Such exposure and his passion for manufacturing gave him the knowledge and experience in various materials and fabrication processes. This is easily evident in all his pieces.
